I send you 5 pictures of my solar panel installation. One of them is a picture of my complete automatic solar tower, It turns following the sun, ( sun or no sun. ) In the beginning the tower was moving every minute for 24 hrs. And making 1 complete turn (the moving time was 15 sec. every time. I changed to every 15 minutes and moving also for 15 sec.
The battery which moved the tower is kept up to date with a small solar panel (see pic.1061) Nr 1059 and 1060 are 2 small windmills who work together with picture 1058, this takes care of my batteries located in the back of my garage.. The solar tower with 8 panels is grid operated, I have 2 wheels on both sides of the tower running over a wooden ground plan, this is done to prevent It to move sideways if there is too much wind, on the left side I keep the wheels down, reason : there is a break system on the backside of the wheels. If there is wind the solar tower like to run on his own backwards, then the break pressed on the wooden ground circle .
When the tower runs normal following the sun, the breaks simply slips over the wooden floor (see picture) The tower is made only with materials out of the hardware store.